Although used in other states and various countries around the world, current law does not allow the use of golden eagles for falconry in Michigan.
Golden Eagle (Aquila chrysaetos)

- The plumage colors range from black-brown to dark brown, with a striking golden-buff crown and nape
- Immature birds resemble adults, but have a duller more mottled appearance
- 6 sub-species, each of which is more or less specific to a geographical area, and differs from the others in size, plumage etc.
- Length: 26"-40: (66-100 cm)
- Wingspan: 59"-95" (150-240 cm)
- Weight 106-216 oz. (3000-6125 g)
- The golden eagle is found in North America, Eurasia, and northern Africa.
- Although capable of catching a wide variety of food sources, primary diet consist of small to medium sized mammals.
- Large bowl structure made of sticks usually located on cliff ledges and occasionally it trees. Typically one to four eggs are layed in a clutch.