MHC 2025 Winter Field Meet
The Michigan Hawking Club 2025 Winter Field Meet will be Saturday January 4th, 2025.
The Meet Headquarters will be the DeWitt Charter Township Community Center in Lansing Michigan.
This family friendly gathering is the premier event in Michigan falconry and one not to be missed!
Public Welcome!
Registration & Breakfast: 8:00am until 10:00am
Lunch: 12:00pm to 2:00pm
Dinner: 6:00pm to 8:00pm & 50/50
Auction: Immediately following dinner
Hawking parties meet at first light and start making plans for the morning hunts. Numerous groups will be headed hawking throughout the morning hours. After lunch, groups will be headed out until late afternoon / dark. Hunting Groups will be coordinated and arranged by a club member, or by individual falconers.
There are only a few requirements we ask of you to attend:
1. Participate in the auction! It’s fun & really helps the club raise the needed funds to perform the legislative tasks, helps put on these field meets, the picnics, & various other volunteer projects throughout the year. Please bring an item(s) to auction & a pocket full of mad money!!
2. Do not bring alcohol! The DeWitt Charter Township Community Center doesn’t have the proper licensing to allow alcohol & we don’t want to get them into trouble!
3. Bring your family & invite your friends!
As always, we look forward to seeing everyone & happy hunting!