4/13/2011 10:10 PM
Hi folks.
I come from the UK, rules and reg's seems to be different there than the States for Falconry.
From what i ready here to become a Falconer i need to become an apprentice, get a sponsor and take the examination eventually.
I do have previous experience with the UK charity Raptor Rescue but many years ago, and current situation allows me to spend more time traveling and pursuing my passion.
Please can anyone point me in the right direction in finding myself a tutor/sponsor and what my first step might be?
Any help is much appreciated.
Janna - Flushing, MI
4/14/2011 6:47 AM
Finding a sponsor can be tricky. Most people will not take on the two year responsibility of an apprentice they do not know, or have a certain level of comfort with. Building relationships is the best way toward finding a sponsor. My suggestion would be to join the club and start meeting falconers in Michigan. I live near you and would be willing to talk more specifics if you wish. If you go to the "contact us" page of the site and contact Kory Koch or Chris Wysocki, I will tell them to give you my phone number so we can talk.