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hello all
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Jeff, welcome and glad you could make the meet. As a member, you might want to post on the members section. As far a Buteos and Bushytails, that has been out of print for a while and the book is only rarely available, keep checking amazon or other falconry websites. I think the last time I saw a copy sold it was around $125.
Hello All,
I was able to go to the meet this last weekend. I thought the birds were awesome. Unfortunately i was the one hobbling around on crutches. I was not able to go out with the groups hunting. As a new member though i hope to go out with some of you after i do heal up completely.
I have ordered some books . I reserved one at my local library that was hard to locate North American Falconry and Hunting Hawks. I also have been looking for Buteos and Bushytails. I was hoping someone might have an extra copy that they might part with ? I am looking forward to getting to know more of you. I did have the opportunity to speak with some of you and have learned a great deal. I realize this is a long path and i have only started to tread.
Jeff LaVere
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